5-drug HAART during Primary HIV Infection Leads to a Reduction of Proviral DNA Levels in Comparison to Levels Achievable during Chronic Infection
Reported by Jules Levin
7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 30 June - 03 July 2013 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E. Wolf1, J. Bogner2, C. Hoffmann3, V. Avettand-Fenoel4, K. Schewe3, R. Pauli5, J. Brust6, A. Ulmer7, L. Schneider8, and H. Jaeger9
1 MUC Research, Munich, Germany, 2University Hospital Munich, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Munich, Germany, 3ICH Study Center, Hamburg, Germany, 4 Laboratoire de Virologie, Hopital Necker, Enfants malades, Paris, France, 5Isarpraxis - Private Practice Dr. Becker, Dr. Pauli, Munich, Germany,
6 Private Practice for Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Dr. Brust, Prof. Dr. Hensel, Dr. Ploeger, Dr. Schuster, Mannheim, Germany,
7 Private Practice Dr. Ulmer, Dr. Frietsch, Dr. Mueller, Stuttgart, Germany, 8Private Practice Dr. Schneider, Fuerth, Germany, and
9 MVZ Karlsplatz - HIV Research and Clinical Care Centre, Munich, Germany
Contact: Dr. Eva Wolf, Dipl. Phys., MPH · E-mail: ewo@mucresearch.de · Tel.: +49 (0) 89 599893-3 · Fax: +49 (0) 89 599893-53
