Cumulative Viremia-Copy Years Predicts Morbidity and Mortality in Perinatally HIV-Infected Children
Reported by Jules Levin
IDSA Oct 2-6 2013, San Francisco, CA
Olafur Thorvaldsson MD1, Elijah Paintsil MD1,2, Veronika Northrup MPH3, Warren Andiman MD1
1 Department of Pediatrics, Yale Sch. of Med2Department of Pharmacology, Yale Sch. of Med, New Haven, CT, USA
3 Yale Ctr. for Analytical Sci., Yale Sch. of Publ. Health, New Haven, CT, USA
Viremia Copy-Years (Cumulative Viral Load Exposure) Predicts Mortality Among Treatment-Naive HIV-Infected Patients Initiating Antiretroviral Therapy ........CID http://www.natap.org/2011/HIV/102011_01.htm
