Safety Comparison of 12- and 24-Week Treatments in HCV Genotype 1-Infected Patients With Cirrhosis: Results From TURQUOISE-II
Reported by Jules Levin
Presented at the American College of Gastroenterology Annual Scientific Meeting, October 17-22, 2014, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Nancy Reau1, Paul Kwo2, Michael Bennett 3, Heiner Wedemeyer4, Xavier Forns5, Antonio Craxi6, Stefan Bourgeois7, Stephen Ryder8, Dominique Larrey9, David Muti mer10, Sandra Lovell11, Manal Abunimeh11, Marcos Pedrosa11, Roger Trinh11
1University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, United States; 2Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States; 3Medical Associates Research Group, San Diego, California, United States; 4Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany; 5Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic, IDIBAPS, CIBEREHD, Barcelona, Spain; 6AOU Policlinico "P Giaccone" Dip. Di Gastroenterologia ed
Epatologia DBMIS, Palermo, Italy; 7ZNA Stuivenberg, Antwerpen, Belgium; 8Notti ngham Digesti ve Diseases Centre and Biomedical Research Unit, Notti ngham, United Kingdom; 9CHU de Montpellier, Hopital Saint Eloi, Montpellier, France; 10Queen Elizabeth Hospital and NIHR Liver Biomedical Research Unit, Birmingham, United Kingdom; 11AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, United States

BMI = body mass index; HCV = hepati ti s C virus; IL = interleukin; IQR = interquarti le range; pegIFN = pegylated interferon; RBV = ribavirin.
*3D therapy consisted of co-formulated ombitasvir, ABT-450 dosed with ritonavir, and dasabuvir.
Patients who received ≥12 weeks of treatment with pegIFN/RBV and did not achieve a reducti on of ≥2 log10 IU/mL in HCV RNA level at week 12 or pati ents who received ≥4 weeks of pegIFN/RBV and had a reducti on of HCV RNA levels that was <1 log10 IU/mL at week 4.
After ≥20 weeks of pegIFN/RBV therapy, patients who achieved a reduction in HCV RNA level of ≥2 log10 IU/mL at week 12 but who had detectable HCV RNA at the end of treatment.
§Patients who had undetectable HCV RNA levels at the end of 36 weeks of treatment with pegIFN/RBV but had a detectable HCV RNA level within 52 weeks of treatment.
