All-Oral Combination of Daclatasvir, Asunaprevir, and BMS-791325 for HCV Genotype 1 Infection
Reported by Jules Levin
Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Boston, MA, March 3-6, 2014
Everson GT,1 Thuluvath PJ,2 Lawitz E,3 Hassanein T,4 Rodriguez-Torres M,5
Hawkins T,6 Rustgi V,7 Hinestrosa F,8 Levin JM,9 Sims KD10
1University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, CO; 2Mercy Medical Center and University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 3The Texas Liver Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX; 4Southern California Liver Centers, Coronado, CA; 5Fundacion de Investigacion, San Juan,
Puerto Rico; 6Southwest CARE Center, Santa Fe, NM; 7Metropolitan Research, Arlington, VA; 8Orlando Immunology Center, Orlando, FL; 9Dean Foundation for Health, Research and Education, Inc, Madison, WI; 10Bristol-Myers Squibb, Hopewell, NJ
1 UNITY 1: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01979939?term=daclatasvir+and+asunaprevir&rank=17
UNITY 2: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01973049?term=daclatasvir+and+asunaprevir&rank=10
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