Implementation of PrEP in STD Clinics and a Community Health Center: High Uptake and Drug Levels among MSM in the Demo Project
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2014 March 3-6 Boston, MA
Stephanie E. Cohen, MD, MPH1,2; Eric Vittinghoff, PhD2; Peter L. Anderson, PharmD3; Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, MD4; Oliver Bacon, MD, MPH2; Wairimu Chege, MD, MPH5; Richard Elion, MD6; Susan Buchbinder, MD1,2; Michael A. Kolber, PhD, MD4; Albert Y. Liu, MD, MPH1,2
1San Francisco Department of Public Health; 2University of California, San Francisco; 3University of Colorado, Denver, Skaggs School of Pharmacy; 4University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine; 5National Institutes of Health, Division of AIDS; 6Whitman-Walker Health Funding: This project was supported by NIAID Grant # UM1AI069496, NIMH Grant # R01MH09562, and the Miami Center for AIDS Research, funded by a grant (P30AI073961) from the NIH
