PrEP at CROI, Uptake - MSM, IDUs, Meth Use
CROI: Implementation of PrEP in STD Clinics and a Community Health Center: High Uptake and Drug Levels among MSM in the Demo Project - (03/28/14)......based on blood levels of the drug 27% of participants were taking 2 doses a week in Miami vs 4% in SF. But only 52% were taking daily dosing in SF, 40% 4 doses a week in SF, while in Miami 13% were taking daily dosing & 43% 4 doses a week.
CROI: Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Among Community-Recruited Injection Drug Users - (03/28/14)
CROI: Early Adopters: Socio-demographic and Behavioral Correlates of Chemoprophylaxis Use in a Recent National Online Sample of Men who have Sex with Men in the U.S. - (03/28/14).....Although MSM in this online survey reported significant HIV risks, their experience with PEP and PrEP was limited. In order to increase PrEP
uptake among MSM, PCPs need to be educated to provide culturally competent care, so that patients will be comfortable discussing HIV risks that could be
decreased by PEP or PrEP.
CROI: PrEP Interest, Uptake and Adherence among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) in the United States - (03/28/14)
CROI: Contingency Management Facilitates PEP Completion among Stimulant-Using MSM - (Meth users) (03/28/14)
HIV Prevention at CROI 2014 (Review of PrEP New Agents, For Prevention in this overall report on Prevention)- Jared Baeten, MD PhD Connie Celum, MD MPH University of Washington - (03/12/14)
Uptake of PrEP for HIV slow among MSM......The Lancet 1 February 2014.....http://www.natap.org/2014/HIV/013114_01.htm
One of the big stories in HIV & at CROI this year is this long acting integrate therapy GSK744, which is being studied as a PrEP to prevent HIV transmission & as a treatment for HIV. Here are the 2 studies presented today for GSK744 treatment & PrEP in monkeys, and in the PrEP report there is a link to 2 studies presented today regarding PrEP and the data was reported in Science Magazine today so the publication text is in the link too. Jules Levin, NATAP
CROI: Long-Acting Integrase Inhibitor GSK744 for PrEP (Once Monthly or maybe longer) - (03/05/14)
CROI: GSK744 and Rilpivirine as Two Drug Oral Maintenance Therapy: LAI116482 (LATTE) Week 48 Results - (03/05/14)
new PrEP.....New Long-Acting ART Drugs for PrEP & Treatment Once a Month or as much as 2-3 months.....GSK1265744......TMC-278 / injectable/rilpivirine........Intravaginal, slow-release rings containing antiretrovirals-TMC-120, Janssen.......intravaginal rings containing dapivirine
CROI: HIV Prevention at CROI 2014 (a review of new PrEP drugs in development imbedded in this report)- Jared Baeten, MD PhD Connie Celum, MD MPH University of Washington - (03/13/14)
Long Acting Once a month or 2 or maybe 3 months Antiretroviral/HAART......
CROI: GSK744 and Rilpivirine as Two Drug Oral Maintenance Therapy: LAI116482 (LATTE) Week 48 Results - (03/05/14)
PrEP for MSM.....CROI: Long-Acting Integrase Inhibitor GSK744 for PrEP (Once Monthly or maybe longer) - (03/05/14)......."GSK744 LA has afforded high---level protection against repeated intrarectal SHIV challenges in rhesus macaques......plasma concentrations >3X PAIC90 result in 100% protection.....plasma levels corresponding to protection can be readily achieved in man with quarterly 800mg intramuscular injections.......These data support moving GSK744 LA into clinical evaluation as PrEP in high-risk men who have sex with men - Phase 2 safety and tolerability studies commence in Spring 2014
new PrEP for women....CROI: Monthly GSK744 long-acting injections protect macaques against repeated vaginal SHIV exposures - (03/14/14)
new PrEP for women........CROI: GSK1265744 Long-Acting Protects Macaques against Repeated High-Dose Intravaginal Challenges & Depo Provera-treated - (03/14/14)