Is there continued evidence for an association
between abacavir and myocardial infarction risk?
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2014 March 3-6
Boston, MA
CA Sabin1, P Reiss2, L Ryom3, S de Wit4, O Kirk3, R Weber5, C Pradier6, F Dabis7, AN Phillips1, JD Lundgren3 for the D:A:D study group
Abacavir Not Associated with MIs, 2 Studies Report at IAS - (07/23/09)...... opening presentation by Dominique Costagliola, who reported at CROI from a large French database that abacavir was associated with MIs, and has reversed her position. She now says that upon further analysis of her cohort current cocaine use and IVDU is associated with MIs, and if you eliminate patients from the study with current use of cocaine & IVDU there is no association between abacavir & MIs
Abacavir Heart Attack Controversy: Kidney Disease Appears to Matter - written by Mark Mascolini - (07/20/09)
No Association of Abacavir (ABC) Use with Risk of Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Severe Cardiovascular Disease Events (SCVD): Results from ACTG A5001/ALLRT......http://www.natap.org/2009/CROI/croi_97.htm
CROI/2011: No Association of Myocardial Infarction with Abacavir Use: Findings of an FDA Meta-analysis........http://www.natap.org/2011/CROI/croi_145.htm
Safety Review update of Abacavir: no statistically significant association seen between myocardial infarction and ABC, FDA Drug Safety Communication.......http://www.natap.org/2011/newsUpdates/030511_01.htm.....FDA Meta-analysis: http://www.natap.org/2012/HIV/No_Association_of_Abacavir_Use_with_Myocardial.98419.pdf
Abacavir & MIs - IAS Summary - (08/12/09)
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2014 March 3-6
Boston, MA
CA Sabin1, P Reiss2, L Ryom3, S de Wit4, O Kirk3, R Weber5, C Pradier6, F Dabis7, AN Phillips1, JD Lundgren3 for the D:A:D study group
