Impact of Low-Level Viremia on Clinical and Virological Outcomes in Treated HIV-Infected Patients
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2014 March 3-6 Boston, MA
Marie-Anne Vandenhende1, Suzanne Ingle2, Margaret May2, Matthias Cavassini3, Amanda Mocroft4, Peter Reiss5, Janet Tate6, Heidi Crane7, Jonathan Sterne2, Genevieve Chene1 for the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC)
1Universite Bordeaux, INSERM U897, ISPED, CHU de Bordeaux, France; 2School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, UK; 3Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland; 4Research Department of Infection and Population Health, UCL Medical School, London, UK; 5Academici Medical Center, Amsterdam Institute of Global Health and Development, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 6Yale University School of Medicine, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, New Haven, CT; 7Center for AIDS Research, University of Washington, Seatlle, WA;
