Patient and Clinical Characteristics of Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC) Patients Treated With Newer Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA)-based Regimens From a Large US Payer Perspective
......44% had hypertension, 24% diabetes, 24% diseases of the heart, 17% mood disorders, 24% GI disorder, 17% fatigue, 18% other nervous system disorders, 25% non-traumatic joint disorders, 24% Spondylosis, disc disorders, other back problems, other 24% connective tissue disorders, 17% benign neoplasms..... 45% 60 YO+, 29% 55-59 YO, 20% 45-54 YO, 7% 18-44
Reported by jules Levin
DDW 2015 May 16-19 Wash DC
Neeta Tandon,1 Jamie Forlenza,1 Alyssa Goolsby Hunter,2 Stephanie D. Korrer,2 Ami Buikema2
