Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) incidence in Chronic Hepatitis C patients (CHC) according to Sustained Virologic Response (SVR) and baseline characteristics
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL April 12, London, UK
T. Purevsambuu, S. Bota, F.Hucke, H. Hofer, P. Ferenci, W. Sieghart, M. Peck-Radosavljevic
Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
from Jules: in this study 1600 patients were evaluated. Overall the rate of developing HCC among patients who achieved SVR was 1.8% vs 12.1% for patients NOT achieving SVR. This study found as other previous studies have found, a key factor in developing HCC despite achieving SVR is the stage of disease a patient has when treatment is started. If a patient already has cirrhosis when starting treatment even if SVR is achieved there remains a risk of still developing HCC -- in this study, if a patient had F4 fibrosis stage the rate of developing HCC was 7.7% among those who achieved SVR, & 2.4% if the patient's fibrosis stage was F3, but 0% if the fibrosis stage was earlier F(0-2). Even if achieving SVR if a patient already had cirrhosis when treatment was started it is recommended that for the remainder of their life every 6 months they should be evaluated for HCC, an MRI is recommended every 6 months. In this patient study group for patients without an SVR the rate of developing SVR was 15.6% among patients with F4 fibrosis stage, 5.4% with F3 fibrosis stage & 3.9% with F(0-2) fibrosis stage.
Background and aims: Chronic Hepatitis C virus infection is a common cause of HCC worldwide. Our aim was to assess the HCC incidence in relation to antiviral treatment response and baseline charactersitics of a large number of patients from a single institution.
Methods: We retrospectively collected data of HCV patients, who were diagnosed between 1989-2011 and treated at the AKH-University Hospital of Vienna. We analyzed the HCC incidence in patients with SVR and without SVR according to the patients' baseline characteristics.