Using Electronic Medical Record Decision Support to Increase Testing for Hepatitis C (CDC HCV meeting in Atlanta June 17-18 2014)
Camilla S. Graham, MD, MPH
Division of Infectious Diseases
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Reported by Jules Levin
from Jules: Tues & Wed the CDC in Atlanta held a meeting "A National Summit to Improve Access to HCV Testing, Treatment and Cure", which was interesting & brought together stakeholders to interact & discuss issues, here is link to agenda, it was webcast & an archive of the webcast is expected to be available soon, I will send out a link to it as soon as it becomes available. In the meantime here are 2 interesting presentations, on using EMR, electronic medical records, prompts in hospital/clinic settings, in primary care, to support & expand HCV screening that could be widely implemented; the 2nd talk was by Colleen Flannigan, the NYS CDC-funded Hepatitis C Coordinator reporting initial data from their precedent setting program to require offering HCV screening to baby boomers in NYS. I have been pushing for several years for routine HCV screening, it can & should be routine as in HIV (Test & Treat"), and that HCV screening should be included in all bloodword that a patient has performed when they visit a doctor & a prompt should be automatically followed up with & sent to clinician if the patient is HCV-positive, this prompt can explain followup measures that should be taken, followup testing, referral to specialist etc.
