NHANES: "non-Hispanic blacks bore the greatest burden of HCV infection in the United States... IDU remains Strongest Risk Factor for HCV infection"
NHANES: "non-Hispanic blacks bore the greatest burden of HCV infection in the United States... IDU remains Strongest Risk Factor for HCV infection"....http://www.natap.org/2013/HCV/011314_12.htm............
Changing Hepatocellular Carcinoma Incidence and Liver Cancer Mortality Rates in the United States..... "US liver cancer mortality rates increased with age in all racial/ethnic groups..... Among individuals aged 50-64 years, blacks had the highest mortality rate (18.6), followed by Hispanics (13.5), Asians/Pacific Islanders (13.0), and whites (7.7)." - (05/05/14)
HCC & HCC mortality rates: highest among age groups 50-64 & >65 yrs, and HIGHest among Black men & black women: US liver cancer mortality rates increased with age in all racial/ethnic groups ( Table 1). .....Among individuals aged 50-64 years, blacks had the highest mortality rate (18.6), followed by Hispanics (13.5), Asians/Pacific Islanders (13.0), and whites (7.7).....looking at HCC incidence: "HCC incidence increased with age in all racial/ethnic groups in the interval 2006-2010, with the exception of blacks, for whom rates were higher among individuals 50-64 than 65+ years of age.....Among individuals aged 50-64 years, blacks had the highest incidence rate (26.9), followed by Hispanics (24.3), Asians and Pacific Islanders (23.5), and whites (12.2).....APC, annual percent change - black men 50-64, 8.7%, black women 9.8%, whites 6-12%, hispanic men 4-14%.
Age group 45-65 baby boomers: over prevalence 3.5% BUT 6.5% among blacks 45-65 ! see supplementary Figure 1 below, see uptrend in prevalence for those born outside USA...."Injection drug use remains the strongest risk factor for HCV infection"....."An overall decreasing trend was observed by race. Supplementary Fig. 2 shows that while there was a decreasing trend among all races throughout the study period, non-Hispanic blacks bore the greatest burden of HCV infection in the United States."
HCV Prevalence - 2.2% among blacks, 1.3% among white, 1.0% among hispanics. AMONG men blacks 2.9%, 1.9% whites, 1.4% among hispanics. Among Females - 1.7% among blacks, 0.6% among whites, 0.7% among hispanics.
The strongest risk factors for having anti-HCV included people aged 45 to 65 years old, being born in the United States, less than high school education, lifetime drug use, abnormal alanine aminotransferase levels (ALT >39 U/L) and having antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 2.
COSTS - The Burden of Untreated Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A US Patients' Perspective....... - (07/15/14)
HCV/NHANES April 2014 - The changing epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in the United States: National health and nutrition examination survey 2001 through 2010 - (07/15/14)
The changing epidemiology of hepatitis C virus infection in the United States: National health and nutrition examination survey 2001 through 2010
Journal of Hepatology
April 2014

Supplementary Fig.1. Prevalence of antiHCV by race and Age group as of 2010 in the UnitedStates. A majority of persons with antibodies to HIV were aged 45 to 65 years old, predominantly of Non-Hispanic blacks.
