HCV Epidemiology Changing - HCV & Youth: Increasing New Infections
Doubled Death Rate Among African-Americans, Women & HCV, "Test & Treat - Treatment As Prevention"
Jules Levin, NATAP
Emerging Epidemic of Hepatitis C Virus Infections Among Young Non-Urban Persons who Inject Drugs in the United States, 2006-2012 - (08/20/14)
From 2006-2012, reported incidence of acute hepatitis C increased significantly in young persons-13% annually in non-urban counties (p=0.003) versus 5% annually in urban counties (p=0.028).......In 2012, 49% of all U.S. cases were aged ≤30 years, versus 36% in 2006......data from U.S. opioid treatment programs-a major venue for HCV testing-do not suggest significant changes in the proportion of U.S. programs offering testing during our study period

Doubled death rate in African-Americans: http://www.natap.org/2013/HCV/122713_07.htm
"Among decedents with hepatitis C, the highest mortality rates were observed among persons aged 55-64 years; the American Indian/Alaskan Native, NH black, and Hispanic race/ethnic groups; and males. In comparison, among decedents without viral hepatitis, the highest mortality rates were observed among persons aged ³75 years, NH blacks, and males." YOU CAN SEE in Table 1 the rates of mortality in HCV among Blacks (7.87), whites (3.97), hispanics (6.9), American Indian/aAlaska Native 10.07).
New NHANES: The Changing Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the United States: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001 through 2010.......http://www.natap.org/2013/HCV/011314_12.htm......."Injection drug use remains the strongest risk factor for HCV infection.[47-49]
........The prevalence was noted to be highest among male non-Hispanic Blacks (2.2%) compared to Non-Hispanic whites (1.3%) [2.9% among Black men, 1.7% among Black women].
HCV Sex Transmission, Early Reports from 1995/2002 Among Men, Women at Johns Hopkins STD Clinics & other Studies, HIV+ MSM from the Netherlands.......http://www.natap.org/2014/HCV/022414_02.htm .........HCV Sexual Transmission - 2 studies below from 1995 at Johns Hopkins STD Clinics finding HCV sex transmission among non-IDU men & women, mostly African-Americans, & in Netherlands among HIV+ MSM; and links below to studies from 2002/2003/2006 reporting the same, particularly sex transmission to non-IDU heterosexual HIV+ women........Females with anti-HCV-positive sex partners were 3.7 times more likely to have anti-HCY than females with anti-HCY-negative sex partners.......frequent in male and female patients who had greater numbers of sex partners (even after adjusting for age and other associated factors), and anti-HCY was associated with other sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIY and Trichomonas infections
Women & HCV.....http://www.natap.org/2002/june/060302_1.htm

John Ward, CDC - AASLD/EASL NY HCV Special Conference: Changing Epidemiology of HCV Infection: Unsafe Injections and Other Modes of Transmission (prevention/screening/heroin/cascade of care/IDUs - (09/15/14)....HCV Among IDUs
- HCV prevention, Heroin Use/HCV, HCV Increases Among Young, Updated HCV Testing Recommendations, Treatment as Prevention, Cascade of HCV Care, Screening & Testing Serving PWIDs CDC Funded Sites, Treatment to Reduce HCV prevalence Among IDUs
