Efficacy and Safety of Raltegravir in Racial Groups
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC 2014. September 5-9, 2014. Washington, DC
Kathleen Squires1, Linda-Gale Bekker2, Christine Katlama3, Yazdan Yazdanpanah4, Anthony Rodgers5, Kim Strohmaier5, Peter Sklar5, Randi Leavitt5, Hedy Teppler5
1Sidney Kimmel Medical College of Thomas Jefferson Univ, Dept of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Univ of Cape Town, The Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa; 3Hopital Pitie Salpetriere, Dept of Infectious Diseases, Paris, France; 4Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Dept of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Paris, France; 5Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA
