Switch to Elvitegravir/Cobi/FTC/TDF from PI+RTV or NNRTI plus
FTC/TDF Maintains HIV Suppression at Week 48 and is Safe in Black Subjects
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC 2014 Sept 5-9 Wash DC
J Gathe1, S Lewis2, W Jordon3, J Arribas4, A Pozniak5, L Dau6, W Garner6, T Nguyen6, B Guyer6
1Therapeutic Concepts, Houston, TX; 2ST. HOPE Foundation, Houston, TX; 3Charles R Drew Univ. and MLK Ambulatory Care OASIS Clinic, Los Angeles, CA;
4Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain; 5Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK; 6Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA
