Pooled 144-week Efficacy and Safety of
with Subgroup Analysis
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC Sep 5-9, 2014
54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobical Agents and Chemotherapy
Washington, DC
Richard Elion1, Kathleen Squires2, Mark Bloch3, Michael Sension4, Michael Wohlfeiler5, Joanne Curley6, Lijie Zhong6, Marshall Fordyce6, Martin S Rhee6, Javier Szwarcberg6
Whitman Walker Health, Washington, USA1, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA 2, Holdsworth House Medical Practice, Darlinghurst, Australia3, Comprehensive Care Center, Ft. Lauderdale, USA4, Wohlfeiler, Piperato and Associates, LLC, Miami Beach, USA5, Gilead, Foster City, USA6
