Transient Indirect Bilirubin Elevations Associated With ABT-450/r/Ombitasvir and Dasabuvir With Ribavirin
Reported by Jules Levin
54th Annual Interscience Conference on Anti microbial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 5-9, 2014, Washington, DC
Gregory T Everson1, Mark S Sulkowski2, Kosh Agarwal3, Bo Fu4, Tolga Baykal4, Eoin Coakley4, Barbara McGovern4, Stephen Shafran5
1University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, Colorado, United States; 2Johns Hopkins University, Balti more, Maryland, United States; 3Insti tute of Liver Studies, Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom; 4AbbVie Inc., North Chicago, Illinois, United States; 5University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
