Cytokines Induced by a Toll-Like Receptor 7 Agonist Potently Inhibit
HBV RNA, DNA, and Antigen Levels in Primary Human Hepatocytes
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD 2015 Nov 13-17 San Francisco
Congrong Niu, Stephane Daffis, Mei Yu, Guofeng Cheng, William E. Delaney IV, Simon P. Fletcher
Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA
TLR7 Agonist GS-9620 is a Potent Inhibitor of
Acute HIV-1 Infection in Human PBMCs....... http://www.natap.org/2015/IAS/IAS_53.htm
TLR7 Agonist GS-9620 Activates HIV-1 in PBMCs from HIV-Infected Patients on cART...... http://www.natap.org/2015/CROI/croi_25.htm
The Antiviral Response to the Toll-Like Receptor 7 Agonist GS-9620 in Preclinical Models of Chronic Hepatitis B Is Associated With an Intrahepatic Cytotoxic T Cell Transcriptional Signature....... http://www.natap.org/2014/AASLD/AASLD_140.htm
Cytokines Induced by a Toll-Like Receptor 7 Agonist Potently Inhibit HBV RNA, DNA, and Antigen Levels in Primary Human Hepatocytes....... http://www.natap.org/2014/AASLD/AASLD_139.htm
GS-9620, an Oral Agonist of Toll-Like Receptor-7, Induces Prolonged Suppression of Hepatitis B Virus (and HCV) in Chronically Infected Chimpanzees...... http://www.natap.org/2013/HBV/021913_02.htm
New Approach in HBV & HCV: Gilead's TLR 7 Agonist GS-9620 at EASL...... http://www.natap.org/2011/EASL/EASL_112.htm
