Dolutegravir monotherapy
in patients with suppressed HIV viremia.
Reported by Jules Levin
EACS 2015 Oct 21-24 Barcelona, Spain 15th European AIDS Conference
C.Katlama1,2, C.Soulie2,3, C.Blanc1,
A.Denis1,F.Caby1,2,L.Schneider1,2, MA.Valantin1,2,R.Tubiana1,2,M.Kirstetter1, E.Valdenassi1,G.Peytavin4,V.Calvez 2,3, AG.Marcelin2,3
1Department of infectious diseases,
2 UMR S 1136, INSERM et Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Paris 06
3Department of Virology Hospital de la Pitie-Salpêtrière,
4 Pharmacology Department Bichat hospital, Paris.