Lung Function Decline in HIV: Effects of Immediate vs. Deferred ART
Treatment on Lung Function Decline in a Multi-site, International, Randomized Controlled Trial - START
Reported by Jules Levin
EACS 2015 Oct 21-25 Barcelona, Spain - 15th European AIDS Conference
Ken Kunisaki, Dennis Niewoehner, Gary Collins, Daniel Nixon, Ellen Tedaldi, Christopher Akolo, Cissy Kityo, Hartwig Klinker, Alberto La Rosa, Jørgen Vestbo, John Connett
for the International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT) START Pulmonary Substudy Group
EACS: No Difference between the Effects of Immediate versus Deferred ART on Neuropsychological Test Performance in HIV-Positive Adults with CD4+ Cell Counts > 500 cells/μL (10/27/15) from Jules: bear in mind the deferred patient group likely had relatively high CD4 compared to patients with lower nadir CD4 like around 100 or even as much as 200-250, where you would be more likely to see a decline in cognitive function, either symptomatic or asymptomatic. As well, look at the background characteristics for the study patients and you will see "low substance abuse and hepatitis" and low psychiatric disease, and they call the groups "medically well, early HIV infection".
IWCADRH: Effects of immediate versus deferred initiation of antiretroviral therapy on bone mineral density: a substudyof the INSIGHT Strategic Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy (START) study - (10/23/15)