Videocast at DURB Feb 26 Medicaid NYS Hearing
HCV Medicaid DURB Hearing Outcome, Feb 26, 2015 - (03/04/15)
Apparently Viekira Pak is the choice for FFS in NYS & MCOs are on their own to decide formulary, 75-90% in NYS are on MCO.
(at 3:45 approx) DOH Recommendation that Viekira Pak be preferred, non-preferred Harvoni, Olysio - vote: 10 in favor, no opposed

at 2:40 approx Oregon DERP Reports

"57,000 have HCV....35,000 patients would need treatment based on the Guidelines"
"we don't require abstinence"

"25% had been pretreated & 23% have cirrhosis thus will require a longer treatment regimen.....16,000 claims in 2014....from 2011 to 2013 only 11,000 claims so claims have increased a lot......$437 mill was spent in 2014"...do some math 35k are priority to be treated which is 2x the 16k so they must be thinking this would cost depending on discounts/cost $800+mill, if treating ALL that would be 57,000 of course not included those undiagnosed, 57k would increase cost perhaps to $1.2 Bill estimated"


HCV Guidelines Treatment Experienced