Cirrhosis May Persists Despite SVR
Jules Levin, NATAP
In these 2 studies at AASLD where 103 patients had cirrhosis before they achieved an SVR 45-58% Still Had Cirrhosis Despite achieving an SVR, however given more time of followup improvements might be better, in the 2nd study they followed 25 patients for up to 2 years with a 2nd Fibroscan post SVR and found little improvement in most patients but in the 1st study below they followed patients 21 of the 65 patients for 3 years or a few for longer and saw it can take time to see improvement. I had cirrhosis when I achieved SVR 13 years ago and I did a Fibroscan in 2014 which showed a normal fibrosis score, it was the first followup Fibroscan or fibrosis score followup I did since achieving an SVR 13 years ago.

In this study at AASLD they evaluated by Fibroscan 100 patients with cirrhosis (F4) or F3/F4 and they found of the 65 patients with cirrhosis before treatment 45% saw no improvement in cirrhosis status.
AASLD: Regression of Advanced Fibrosis or Cirrhosis Measured by Elastography in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C who Achieve Sustained Virologic Response after Treatment for HCV - (12/01/15) THIS STUDY found ONLY 55% with cirrhosis REGRESSED, 45% had NO CHANGE, a small percentage worsened. Among F3/4 at baseline 69% regressed, 17% worsened, 15% were unchanged.

AASLD: Hepatitis C Cure Leads to a Durable Decrease in Liver Stiffness..... "cirrhosis persisted in 58%" - (12/18/15)
In this study they also used Fibroscan, of 100 patients with HCV who achieved an SVR at Mt Sinai in NYC you can see in this table in the last row 38 patients had F4 (cirrhosis) before treatment and 22 of the 38 (58%) still had cirrhosis 24 weeks after treatment ended despite achieving SVR. The study did a 2nd cirrhosis evaluation with a liver stiffness test (Fibroscan) in 25 of these patients only a few saw some improvement. The message is as the study authors say -
