Over 85% in German Group Under 50 Copies
on NRTI-Sparing Raltegravir Combo
ICAAC 2015, September 17-21, 2015, San Diego
Mark Mascolini
More than 85% of people taking a raltegravir-based regimen excluding nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) reached a viral load below 40 copies in a 2008-2014 analysis of the German North-Rhine Cohort [1]. The most-used NRTI-sparing regimen combined raltegravir with one protease inhibitor (PI).
Clinical researchers from Aachen and Cologne reported this analysis of 2445 to 3206 people per year cared for at 17 to 19 centers in northern Germany. Proportions of regimens containing raltegravir rose from 0.9% in 2008 to 13.1% in 2014. Whereas most raltegravir combinations prescribed in 2008 and 2009 were salvage regimens, 20% and 17% of treated patients received a first-line raltegravir regimen in 2013 and 2014. In 2014 nearly everyone prescribed a first-line raltegravir regimen (95%) reached a viral load below 50 copies, as did 90% taking a raltegravir combination after treatment experience.
In 2014, among 150 patients taking raltegravir plus two NRTIs, 142 (94.7%) reached an undetectable viral load. Virologic response rates were also high in people taking raltegravir in NRTI-sparing and single-NRTI regimens:
NRTI-sparing regimens
-- 53 taking one PI plus raltegravir: 88.7% response rate
-- 12 taking one nonnucleoside (NNRTI) and one PI plus raltegravir: 75% response rate
Single-NRTI regimens
-- 11 taking one NRTI and one PI plus raltegravir: 90.9% response rate
-- 8 taking one NRTI and one NNRTI plus raltegravir: 100% response rate
-- 2 taking one NRTI plus maraviroc plus raltegravir: 100% response rate
Among 2816 people treated in 2014, a total of 65 (2.3%) took an NRTI-sparing raltegravir regimen, of whom 56 (86.2%) reached an undetectable viral load.
1. Wiesmann F, Panstruga P, Braun P, et al. Success of NRTI-sparing regimens containing raltegravir in therapy-experienced patients in a German cohort. ICAAC 2015, September 17-21, 2015, San Diego. Abstract H-1211.