Population Pharmacokinetic Assessment of Factors Associated with Tenofovir Clearance in Pregnant and
Postpartum Women with HIV infection in IMPAACT P1026s
Reported by Jules Levin
ICAAC 2015 Sept 17-21 San Diego, CA
Kensuke Shoji1, Brookie M. Best1, Mark Mirochnick2, Alice Stek3, Jiajia Wang4 Tim R. Cressey5, David E. Shapiro4 and Edmund V. Capparelli1 for IMPAACT P1026s.
1Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy, Univ. of California, San Diego, La Jolla, 2Boston University, School of Medicine, Boston; 3Univ. of Southern California, School of Medicine, Los Angeles; 4Harvard, School of Public Health, Boston;
5Chiang Mai Univ., Chiang Mai, Thailand