Longitudinal Study of Falls among HIV-infected and Uninfected Women:
Results from the Women's Interagency HIV Study
Reported by Jules Levin
7th International Workshop on HIV and Aging, September 26-27, 2016, Washington, DC
Anjali Sharma, Donald R. Hoover, Qiuhu Shi, Susan Holman, Michael W. Plankey, Phyllis Tien, Kathleen Weber, Michelle Floris-Moore, Hector H. Bolivar, David E. Vance, Elizabeth T. Golub, Marcia McDonnell Holstad, Michael T. Yin
from Jules: average age of women was only around 50, yet - 36% of women experienced a fall, 15% a fall + an injury, & 2% a fall with a fracture; 8-10% had 2 or more falls; cocaine, crack, heroin all increase risk for fall by 50% to 170%, former use increases risk by 50% & current use increases risk by 170%, alcohol use increases risk....also increasing risk for a fall: HCV, subjective cognitive complaints, neuropthy, depression, low kidney function, HCV, hypertension, diabetes & numbers of comorbidities, & CNS active medications
from Jules: the HIV-negative control group in WIHS is also a group at greater risk for falls because they as well as HIV+ group have higher risks the factors listed just above - marijuane use, depression, obesity, [heroin, cocaine use]. So comparison with a lower risk general population group would likely show differences between them & both the HIV+ & HIV- groups in WIHS.