Changes in Renal Function Associated with
TDF/FTC PrEP Use in the US Demo Project
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
Albert Liu, MD, MPH1,2; Eric Vittinghoff, PhD2; Peter Anderson3, Stephanie Cohen1,2; Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, MD4; Oliver Bacon, MD, MPH1,2; Wairimu Chege, MD, MPH5; Susan Buchbinder, MD1,2; Michael A. Kolber, PhD, MD4; Richard Elion, MD6
1San Francisco Department of Public Health; 2University of California, San Francisco; 3University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences4University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine; 5National Institutes of Health, Division of AIDS; 6Washington DC Department of Health, Center for Sexual HealthFunding: This project was supported by NIAID Grant # UM1AI069496, NIMH Grant # R01MH09562, and the Miami Center for AIDS Research, funded by a grant (P30AI073961) from the NIH
from Jules: a hot topic at CROI was PrEP & bone & renal function, on PrEP renal function can modestly decline in a smaller percent of patients and bone health as measured by Bone Mineral Density (BMD) can decline too. As well, STIs while taking PrEP were a topic of discussion at CROI, this will be discussed in my next email report. There was a study that reported 1 person on PrEP who appeared to be adherent taking PrEP contracted HIV & was infected from a person who had tenofovir resistant virus which apparently is why he contracted HIV because the tenofovir was not effective because the other sex partner had tenofovir resistance and the infected person also gt a virus with multi class resistance HIV, but the investigator reported the patient still was able to achieve undetectable viral load from ART. Bob Grant reported in a study that BMD loss can improve after stopping PrEP:
CROI: Recovery of bone mineral density after stopping oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis - (02/24/16)
Monica Gandhi reported:
CROI: Higher cumulative TFV/FTC levels in PrEP associated with decline in renal function - (02/26/16)
THEMED DISCUSSION It's Complicated: Renal Function & STIs in PrEP Users / Themed Discussion at CROI - (02/26/16)
WEBCAST THEMED discussion by Dr Liu: http://www.croiwebcasts.org/console/player/29668?mediaType=audio&
