Cancer versus tuberculosis mortality among HIV-infected Individuals in Botswana......
cancer mortality likely exceeds mortality due to tuberculosis
from Jules: this study reports that mortality due to cancers in Botswana may be higher than tuberculosis, similarly I expect we will see in Africa soon and other parts of the developing world the affects of early & premature aging in HIV with disproportionately higher rates of death due to many other comorbidities in HIV+ including heart disease, kidney disease, bone fractures & falls, frailty, and brain & cognitive impairment. Even if a cure for HIV were found this would not undue HIV/aging related organ damage that has already occurred, so the high rates of comorbidities & associated high death & hospitalization rates would persist.
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
Scott Dryden-Peterson,1,2,3Gita Suneja,4 HelufMedhin,5Memory Bvochora-Nsingo,6MukendiKayembe,5,7Neo Tapela,1,2,5Shahin Lockman1,2,3
1Botswana Harvard AIDS Inst., Gaborone; 2Brigham and Women’s Hosp, Boston; 3Harvard T.H. Chan Sch. of Pub. Health, Boston; 4Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City;
5Botswana Ministry of Health, Gaborone; 6Gaborone Private Hospital, Gaborone;and 7National Health Laboratory, Gaborone
Supported by Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center (UL1RR02578), Harvard University CFAR (P30AI060354), NIH/NIAID (K23AI091434), and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation (11689)