icon-    folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
  Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
February 22-25, 2016, Boston MA
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Real-life renal safety of "boosted TDF" in HIV/HCV-patients on SOF/LDV
  Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
M.J. Vivancos-Gallego1, Ana Moren o1, M.J. Perez-Elias1,Carmen Quereda1, Alberto Diaz De Santiago1, J.L. Casado1, Matilde Sanchez-Conde1, Cristina Gomez-Ayerbe1, Santos Del Campo1, Fernando Dronda1, Sara Banon1, M.L Mateos2, Santiago Moreno1 1Infectious Diseases Department Hospital Ramon y Cajal and IRYCIS, (2) Microbiology Department Hospital Ramón y Cajal. Madrid, Spain.




*Coadministration of elvitegravir/cobicistat (150/150 mg once daily) and ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (90/400 mg once daily) decreased elvitegravir Cmax by 12%, but increased AUC and Cmin by 2% and 36%; cobicistat Cmax, AUC and Cmin increased by 25%, 59% and 325%, respectively. Ledipasvir Cmax, AUC and Cmin increased by 63%, 78% and 91%, respectively and sofosbuvir Cmax and AUC increased by 33% and 36%. The combination is also expected to increase tenofovir concentrations. The safety of increased tenofovir concentrations in this setting has not been established and coadministration is not recommended. The combination should be used with caution with frequent renal monitoring if other alternatives are not available. www.hep-druginteractions.org report