Immunologic Effects of Maraviroc vs. Tenofovir and Associations with Bone Loss
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
Ellen S Chan1, Paria Mirmonsef2, Todd T Brown3, Alan L Landay2, Igho Ofotokun4, M Neale Weitzmann4, Jeffrey Martinson2, Jill Plants2, Heather J Ribaudo1, Babafemi O Taiwo5 1Harvard Chan School of Public Health, 2Rush University Medical Center, 3Johns Hopkins University, 4Emory University, 5Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
CROI: MVC and TDF Reduce Neurocognitive Impairment in Initial ART - (03/21/16)
CROI: Maraviroc-Enhanced cART Improves Cognition in Virally-Suppressed HAND: A Pilot Study - (03/27/15)
CROI: Update from CROI 2016: Bones, Vitamin D, Frailty - Todd T. Brown, MD, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, & Metabolism Johns Hopkins University - (03/17/16)
ACTG5303 Less Bone Loss with a Maraviroc Regimen in HIV-infected Treatment-NaÏve Subjects.....http://www.natap.org/2015/CROI/croi_251.htm
