icon-    folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
  Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
February 22-25, 2016, Boston MA
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HIV-1 Infection With Multiclass Resistance Despite Preexposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
David C. Knox1; Darrell H. Tan2; P. Richard Harrigan3; Peter L. Anderson4 1Maple Leaf Med Clinic, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2St Michael's Hosp, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3BC Cntr for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 4Univ of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA
WEBCAST of Dr Knox talk: http://www.croiwebcasts.org/console/player/29737?mediaType=audio&
