Aging with HIV: Emerging importance of chronic
comorbidities in patients over 75
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
C. Allavena1, C. Bernaud1, S. Lariven2, M.A. Valantin3, T. Ferry4, L. Cuzin5, A. Naqvi6, A. Cabie7, M. Hanf8 and the DatAIDS study group
1Infectious Diseases, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, 2 Infectious Diseases, AP-HP Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris, 3 Infectious Diseases, AP-HP Hopital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris, 4 Infectious Diseases, CHU, Lyon, 5 Regional Center for HIV Care Coordination, CHU, Toulouse, 6 Infectious Diseases, CHU de l'Archet, Nice, 7 Infectious Diseases, CHU, Fort de France,
8 National Institute of Health and Medical Research CIC1413, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France
....[from Jules Levin, NATAP --- in Table 5 you see when comparing patients >75 vs 50-74 years old - doubled hypertension rates, bone disease, CVD rates, cancers, triple renal failure rates & stroke rates & triple the number of patients with 4 or more comorbidities for patients >75 years old compared to patients 50-74 yo, and doubled the rate with 2-3 comorbidities - 1.5% of these patients were over 75 years .......management of comorbidities should be prioritized (especially cardiovascular, hepatic, renal, bone, central nervous system). Risk for polypharmacy and drug-drug interactions in older HIV adults should be considered......HIV specialists, primary care clinicians, and geriatricians should work together to achieve successful aging for this population.]
