Poorly Controlled HIV Infection is a Risk Factor for Liver Fibrosis in the CNICS Cohort
...CD4 & Viral load predict progression to advanced fibrosis
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2016 Feb 22-24 Boston
H. Nina Kim1, Robin Nance1, Stephen Van Rompaey1, Joseph C. Delaney1, Heidi M. Crane1, Katerina Christopoulos2,
W. Christopher Mathews3, Richard Moore4, Mari Kitahata1 for the CFAR Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS)5
1University of Washington, Seattle; 2University of CA San Francisco; 3University of CA San Diego; 4Johns Hopkins University;
5CNICS also includes: Case Western University, Fenway Health, University of Alabama Birmingham, and University of N. Carolina Chapel Hill
