Baseline characteristics of the TRIUMPH and DOL-ART cohorts: Use of Triumeq® (DTG/ABC/3TC) or other DTG-based ART in routine clinical care in Germany - Comorbidities/Polypharmacy
Reported by Jules Levin
HIV Glasgow 2016 Oct 23-26
Heuchel T1, Postel N2, Bickel M3, Brust J4, Scholten S5, Schulz C6, Stephan C7, Bohr URM8, Hillenbrand H9, Glaunsinger T10, Stoehr A11, Westermayer B12, Wigger A13, Luftenegger D13, Walli RK13
1Medcenter, Chemnitz; 2prinzmed, Munich; 3Infektiologikum, Frankfurt; 4Mannheimer Onkologie Praxis, Mannheim; 5Praxis Hohenstaufenring, 6Universitätsklinikum, Magdeburg; 7Universitatsklinikum-HIVcenter, Frankfurt am Main; 8Praxiszentrum Kaiserdamm, Berlin; 9Praxis City Ost, Berlin; 10Praxis Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin; 11IFI, Hamburg; 12GlaxoSmithKline, Munich; 13ViiV Healthcare, Munich
