A CASE-CONTROL STUDY IN GERMANY USING HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIMS DATA [Examines 70-80+ Year Olds. Higher Prevalence of Comorbidities in HIV+ vs HIV-neg]
"increased prevalence of chronic comorbidities, are contributing for the excess burden for the HIV patient and healthcare system, when compared to the general population....an adequate HIV management, including regular monitoring and screening for comorbidities and adequate ART selection, remain critical to achieve continuous improvement of PLHIV health status and reduced burden for the healthcare system."
Reported by Jules Levin
HIV Glasgow 2016 Oct 26-30
from Jules: this is a very unique study in that it looks at patients by age subgroups: 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, and >80 AND OF GREAT Note look at Figure 2 where you will see not only greatly increasing prevalence of comorbidities in HIV+ as age increases BUT of great note you will see that HIV+ as they age past 60 & the older they get the much greater increases in prevalence of comorbidities in HIV+ vs HIV-neg.
Stefan Christensen1; Eva Wolf2
(1)Center for Interdisciplinary Medicine (CIM) Infectious Diseases, Muenster; (2) MUC Research, Munich, Germany
Antiretroviral therapy has increased life expectancy of PLHIV, transforming HIV management into chronic care[1]. Despite these recent advances, HIV remains an area of high unmet medical need, where the increased prevalence of chronic comorbidities, are contributing for the excess burden for the HIV patient and healthcare system, when compared to the general population. This is particularly visible in this study for cardiovascular diseases, chronic renal disease and bone fractures due to osteoporosis. Other chronic comorbidities such as diabetes and dyslipidemia, might have the same evolution, given the ageing of the HIV population.
Therefore, an adequate HIV management, including regular monitoring and screening for comorbidities and adequate ART selection, remain critical to achieve continuous improvement of PLHIV health status and reduced burden for the healthcare system.

[1] Deeks SG, Lewin SR, Havlir DV. The end of AIDS: HIV infection as a chronic disease. Lancet 2013; 382(9903):1525-33.
[2] Balderson BH, Grothaus L, Harrison RG, McCoy K, Mahoney C, Catz S. Chronic illness burden and quality of life in an aging HIV population. AIDS care 2013; 25(4): 451-458.
[3] Patel R, Moore T, Cooper V, McArdle C, Perry N, Cheek E, Gainsborough N, Fisher M. An observational study of comorbidity and healthcare utilisation among HIV-positive patients aged 50 years and over. Int J STD AIDS 2016; 27(8): 628-37