HIV & Aging in SF: age-57; 35-60% Impairment
Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) Index, Functional Status, and Other Patient Reported Outcomes in Older HIV-positive (HIV+) Adults in SF.....Poor Outcomes in HIV+ Aging age 53-61 - (10/23/14)......"Our surveys also revealed a high prevalence of functional, social and cognitive deficits in this population.".....
As a result of this study & these findings....the Aging/HIV Clinic was established at UCSF: Here is the link to the website https://hiv.ucsf.edu/care/aging.html
median age 57....mean CD4 count 507...40% reported falls in the previous year.....32% had severe/moderate loneliness, 50% low degree of perceived social support, 49.9% low physical social support, 26% moderate/severe depression, 33% possible cognitive impairment, 26.8% anxiety, 12.5% PTSD, 11% poor/very poor/fair adherence, 30% fair/poor health, 60% income <20,000, 30% illicit drug use......"On cognitive screening, 40% had MOCA (mental/cognitive) scores < 26; 58% had findings of loneliness; 60% the lowest levels of perceived social support; 55% depression; 50% anxiety; 12% PTSD (Table 2).....On functional screening, 26% (91) reported difficulty with ≥1 ADL, 39% (136) reported they needed assistance with ≥1 IADL, and 40% reported falls in the previous year (Table 2).....slower gait speed and chair-to-standing times (p=0.002, p=0.003). They also had lower anxiety (p = 0.013) and less alcohol use (p=0.009)"
