The CFAR/CNICS HIV Research EMR Network
The CFAR Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS) research network is the first electronic medical records-based network

poised to integrate clinical data from the large and diverse population of HIV-infected persons in the modern HAART era. CNICS provides research infrastructure to support HIV clinical outcomes and comparative effectiveness research using data collected at one of 8 Center for AIDS Research (CFARs). As of early 2016, CNICS contained 32,237 patients; 82% male and 18% female (for most recent cohort demographics table, click here). CNICS directly reflects the outcomes of clinical decisions and management options made daily in the care of HIV infected individuals. Unlike data collected in structured interviews or retrospective medical record review, CNICS captures a broader range of information associated with the rapidly changing course of HIV disease management. CNICS is distinguished by its ability to provide peer-reviewed-open access to a rich and rapidly evolving clinical research platform that prospectively collects comprehensive patient data including validated outcomes, longitudinal resistance data, and detailed PROs with readily available biological specimens. This creates enormous potential for significant contributions to emerging clinical, translational, and social-behavioral research as the HIV epidemic continues to grow and evolve.
Click on the image above to download the 2015 Infographics: CNICS Highlights 2011-2015.
"CNICS"...but it is a cohort that has a fairly large number of older folks with HIV who are followed longitudinally at 8 CFAR sites in the US
You can find general information on CNICS on its website:
A couple of key points (summarized in the slide set and is available on the website)
⋅ Check out the details of the data elements on this page: http://www.uab.edu/cnics/data-core/cnics-data-elements
⋅ This includes medication profiles, lab data, and clinical outcomes (many key ones, such as MI are adjudicated)
⋅ About 32% of the 32,000 patients are over the age of 50 (roughly 10,000 subjects)
⋅ Full clinical data / outcomes, clinical specimens, and patient reported outcomes (including depression assessments) are made longitudinally (check out PRO listing from the website: http://www.uab.edu/cnics/images/CNICS_PRO_DomainS.pdf )
