icon-folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
  HIV Research for Prevention
October 17-19, 2016
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Newly Acquired HIV-1 Infection with Multi-Drug Resistant HIV-1 in a Patient on TDF/FTC-based PrEP
  Reported by Jules Levin
HIVR4P Conference Oct 19 2016, Chicago, Ill
Howard A Grossman MD
Cleveland Clinic Florida




To determine the relatedness of viral populations harbored by the patient and his regular partner proviral DNA was isolated from CD4+ T cells. Nested PCR was performed to separately amplify RT, Pr, IN, and a 390 base pair portion of env in the region of the V3 loop. In all 4 trees shown  the viral populations of the patient marked (2) segregate and are clearly distinct from those of his regular partner marked (1). Note that HXB2 appears on all trees to rule out laboratory contamination. These trees clearly demonstrate that in this patient, infection was established by a viral population distinct from that of his regular sex partner.