CDC HCV Grant Opportunity: hepatitis screening, linkage-to-care
Improving Hepatitis B and C Care Cascades; Focus on Increased Testing and Diagnosis
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control - NCHHSTP
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Agency Name: Centers for Disease Control - NCHHSTP
Description: CDC will provide funds to states and limited local Health Departments to work in collaboration with external partners throughout the health care system, and other stakeholders as relevant, to 1) conduct a situational analysis in their jurisdiction to include a) number and description of clinical and other settings that can provide CDC/USPSTF recommended testing and linkages to care and treatment services related to hepatitisC virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) testing and, b) based on this analysis, assess the quality of current HCV and HBV testing and detection activities in each setting; 2) use intervention(s) (with demonstrated success to increase HCV and HBV testing or other preventive health measures) to increase HCV and HBV testing in a population with HBV and/or HCV-related health and healthcare disparities; 3) assess the implementation of selected intervention(s); 4) evaluate the impact of the intervention(s) to increase testing and detection of current infection in sites or organizations serving defined population(s); 5) describe efforts made to link infected patients to care and treatment; and, 6) promote the implementation of successful intervention(s) in similar populations throughout the jurisdiction. The purpose of this FOA is to increase the number of persons living with HBV and/or HCV infection that are tested for these infections and made aware of their infection status to facilitate linkages to recommended care and treatment services To accomplish this goal, awardees are expected to, hire and retain a full-time Viral Hepatitis Coordinator (VHC), or ensure that VHC responsibilities are otherwise assumed and the VHC shall partner with at least one clinical organization or multiple clinical sites (≥5 sites) where both testing and linkage to care can be provided (e.g., one organization consisting of ≥5 FQHCs or 5 independent FQHCs) or sites/organizations that have an established protocol/agreement to assure persons currently infected HBV and HCV are identified provided follow-up care and services (for example if the setting is corrections, and the partnership is with jails, these jails must demonstrate the ability to link HBV and HCV infected persons to care).