Evaluation of Cytochrome P450- and Transporter-Mediated Drug-Drug Interactions Between the Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 (ASK1) Inhibitor Selonsertib and Phenotypic Probe Substrates or Prototypic Inhibitors/Inducers
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD: The Liver Meeting 2017, October 20-24, 2017, Washington, DC
Cara H. Nelson, Brian J. Kirby, Lu Wang, C. Stephen Djedjos, Mischa Hepner, Anita Mathias - Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA

1. Nelson CH, et al. ASCPT 2017, poster PII-103; 2. Nelson CH, et al. ASCPT 2016, poster PI-066.