Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD: The Liver Meeting 2017, October 20-24, 2017, Washington, DC
Antoine Chaillon, Xiaoying Sun, Edward R Cachay, David Wyles, Christy M Anderson, Thomas CS Martin, Richard S Garfein, Sonia Jain, Sanjay R Mehta, David Looney, Davey M Smith, Susan J Little,
Natasha K Martin

-our analysis was derived from two of the largest HIV clinics in San Diego, providing care for approximately one third of the estimated HIV+ MSM diagnosed in San Diego. Therefore, it is unclear whether the results of our study are generalizable to the wider MSM community in San Diego or elsewhere, and whether these trends will persist in the era of interferon-free DAAs.
-However, our population under care encompasses a high proportion of vulnerable populations with ongoing barriers to care similar to other large inner city HIV populations burdened by a high prevalence of HCV coinfection [44].
-Additionally, we noted demographic differences between the populations at the VA and Owen Clinics, however despite these differences we observed a similar incidence of HCV infection among these centers.

-We only had data on ever meth/idu use so Individual could potentially be misclassified if they initiated drug use later or stop their durg use
-We do know that 2 of the 3 reinfection reported IDU
-It is possible that the increasing incidence observed in San Diego and other European settings is not occurring in most U.S. settings, or that, at least in part, some of the apparent increase in incidence observed in other settings is due to heightened awareness of HCV in this population and more frequent testing in recent time periods. Indeed, we acknowledge that frequent testing in recent years could have contributed to an apparent increase in incidence in our study over time. However, we believe it is likely that our observed increase in incidence is likely a true finding and reflective of the increasing incidence seen in many other global settings among this population.
