Reductions in Liver Stiffness by Magnetic Resonance Elastography Predict Fibrosis
Improvement in a Multicenter Clinical Trial of Subjects With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Reported by Jules Levin
AASLD: The Liver Meeting 2017, October 20-24, 2017, Washington, DC
Rohit Loomba,1 Eric Lawitz,2 Reem Ghalib,3 Magdy Elkhashab,4 Stephen Caldwell,5 Manal F. Abdelmalek,6 Kris Kowdley,7 Ren Xu,8 Ling Han,8 Yao Li,8
C. Stephen Djedjos,8 Robert P. Myers,8 G. Mani Subramanian,8 Zachary Goodman,9 Michael Charlton,10 Claude B. Sirlin,1 Michael S. Middleton1
1UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA; 2Texas Liver Institute, UT Health San Antonio, TX; 3Texas Clinical Research Institute, Arlington, TX; 4Toronto Liver Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 5University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA;
6Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; 7Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA; 8Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA; 9Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA; 10The University of Chicago, IL

1. Park CC, et al. Gastroenterology 2017;152:598-607; 2. Loomba R, et al. J Hepatol 2017;66:S671; 3. Loomba R, et al. Hepatology 2017 Sep 11 [Epub].