Current Reality: The San Francisco Experience /
SF Aging Clinic: reality switch from 1990 to 2018 / a crisis ignored by many
October 3, 2017
Meredith Greene, MD, AAHIVS
Reported by Jules Levin
8th International Workshop on HIV and Aging, October 2-3, 2017, New York
SF Aging Clinic: reality switch from 1990 to 2018
from Jules: The Aging /Geriatric HIV Clinic at SF General is in the old Ward 86 where in the early days of HIV/AIDS patients went to die, now survivors from the early days, the 1st generation to age/become elderly, go there for aging/geriatric care because we are experienced severe aging related accelerated & premature aging with many HIV+ over 50 & 60 taking 14 medications a day (polyharmacy) and having 3-7 comorbid conditions (cancers, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, brain & cognitive impairment, bone disease & falls etc)
At the Aging Workshop the OAR Director Maureen Goodenow showed this slide & expressed concern about low levels of viral suppression....Ending AIDS is far from a reality.....
