Safety of Sofosbuvir-Based Regimens for the Treatment of Chronic HCV Infection in Patients With Mild or Moderate Renal Impairment
Reported by Jules Levin
APASL 2017 Feb 15-19 Shanghai, China
Masao Omata,1 Masashi Mizokami,2 Francois Durand,3 Stephen Pianko,4 Jina Lee,5 Joseph Llewellyn,5 Liyun Ni,5 Shampa De-Oertel,5 John McNally,5 Diana M. Brainard,5 John G. McHutchison,5 Eugene Schiff,6 Massimo Colombo7
1Yamanashi Prefectural Central Hospital, Yamanashi, Japan; 2Research Center for Hepatitis and Immunology, International Medical Center Koundai, Ichikawa, Japan 3H™pital Beaujon, University Paris Diderot, Clichy, France; 4Monash Health, Clayton, Victoria, Australia; 5Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA; 6Schiff Center for Liver Diseases, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, FL; 7Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milan, Italy