Bictegravir Dissociation Half-life from HIV-1
G140S/Q148H Integrase-DNA Complexes
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2017 Feb 14-16 Seattle, WA
Kirsten White*, Anita Niedziela-Majka, Nikolai Novikov, Michael Miller, Haolun Jin, Scott Lazerwith, and Manuel Tsiang
Gilead Sciences, Foster City, CA
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CROI: Randomized Trial of Bictegravir or Dolutegravir with FTC/TAF for Initial HIV Therapy - (02/16/17)
ASM June 2016 / CROI: Clinical Pharmacology of the Unboosted HIV Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor (INSTI) Bictegravir (BIC) - (02/16/17)
Antiviral Activity of Bictegravir (GS-9883), a Novel Potent HIV-1 Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor with an Improved Resistance Profile....
Pdf attached above
