Elsulfavirine as Compared to Efavirenz in
Combination with TDF/FTC: 48-week Study
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2017 Feb 14-16 Seattle, WA
R.L. Murphy1, A.V. Kravchenko2 , E.A. Orlova-Morozova3 , F.I. Nagimova4 , O.A. Kozirev5, T.E. Shimonova6 , M.O. Deulina2, N.V. Vostokova7 , O.V. Zozulya7, V.V. Bichko8
1. Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, 2. Russia AIDS Federal Center, Moscow, Russia, 3. Moscow region AIDS Center, Moscow, Russia, 4. Republic Tatarstan AIDS Center, Kazan, Russia,
2. 5. Volgograd region AIDS Center, Volgograd, Russia, 6. Moscow city AIDS Center, Moscow, Russia, 7. IPHARMA, Moscow, Russia, 8. Viriom Inc., San Diego, CA
Pharmacokinetics of VM-1500 20 mg and 40 mg in Healthy and HIV-Infected Patients http://www.natap.org/2014/IAC/IAC_108.htm
