STI Incidence among MSM Following HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis:
A Modeling Study / Quarterly STI Screening Reduced STIs by 50% -Model
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2017 Feb 14-16 Seattle, WA
"Our study highlights the design of PrEP not only as daily antiretroviral medication, but as a combination HIV/STI prevention package incorporating STI screening and treatment.....CDC’s PrEP clinical practice guidelines recommend biannual screening and treatment for bacterial STIs.....Biannual screening may miss 40% of infections compared to quarterly intervals.....Optimizing STI screening recommended within the guidelines may result in lower STI incidence, which would reduce HIV among non-PrEP users.......STI incidence declined because PrEP-related STI screening resulted in a 17% and 24% increase in detection of asymptomatic and rectal cases, respectively.....STUDY RESULTS: For a combined STI incidence outcome, performing STI screening at quarterly versus biannual intervals would result in a further 50% reduction in incidence. - Under 40% RC, STI incidence would decline only if >50% of PrEP users were adequately screened and treated for infection, consistent with the guidelines."
CROI:On Demand Post-Exposure Prophylaxis with Doxycycline for MSM Enrolled in a PrEP Trial - (02/16/17)

Samuel M. Jenness,1 Kevin Weiss,1 Steven M. Goodreau,2 Thomas Gift,3 Harrell Chesson,3 Karen W. Hoover,3 Dawn K. Smith,3 Patrick Sullivan,1 Eli Rosenberg1
1 Emory University; 2 University of Washington; 3 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
