Plasma and Seminal Pharmacokinetics of Etravirine and Raltegravir in a
Dual Regimen maintenance strategy:
Reported by Jules Levin
EACS - 16th European AIDS Conference, October 25-27, 2017. Milan
MP Le, M-A Valantin, L Assoumou, C Soulie, S Le Mestre, L Weiss,
Y Yazdanpanah, J-M Molina, O Bouchaud, F Raffi, J Reynes, V Calvez,
A-G Marcelin, D Costagliola, C Katlama, G Peytavin
and ETRAL study group
IAS: Maintenance With Raltegravir/Etravirine Strong at 48 Weeks in Older Adults - Efficacy of a Maintenance Strategy with Raltegravir/Etravirine : the ANRS 163 ETRAL trial - (07/27/17)