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  The International Liver Congress™
EASL 2017 - European Association for the
Study of the Liver
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2017
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Restrictions for reimbursement of interferon-free direct acting
antiviral therapies for HCV infection in Europe

  Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2017 April 19-23 Amsterdam Netherlands
Alison D. Marshall1, Stine Nielsen2, Evan B. Cunningham1, Alessio Aghemo3, Hannu Alho4, Markus Backmund5, Philip Bruggmann6, Olav Dalgard7, Robert Flisiak8, Graham Foster9, Liana Gheorghe10, David Goldberg11, Ioannis Goulis12, Matthew Hickman13, Patrick Hoffmann14, Ligita Jancoriene15, Peter Jarcuska16, Martin Kåberg17, Mihaly Makara18, Matti Maimets19, Rui Marinho20, Mojca Maticic21, Suzanne Norris22, Sigurur 0lafsson23, Anne ovrehus24, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky25, James Pocock26, Geert Robaeys27,28,29, Carlos Roncero30, Marieta Simonova31, Jan Sperl32, Michele Tait22, Ieva Tolmane33, Stefan Tomaselli34, Marc van der Valk35, Adriana Vince36, Gregory J. Dore1, Jeffrey V. Lazarus*37,38, and Jason Grebely*1on behalf of the International Network on Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) Network