Sustained Efficacy and Seroconversion With the Selective Toll-Like
Receptor 8 Agonist GS-9688 in the Woodchuck Model of Chronic Hepatitis B
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2018 April 19-23 Amsterdam Netherlands
Stephane Daffis,1 Jason Chamberlain,1 Jim Zheng,1 Rex Santos,1 William Rowe,1 Michael R. Mish,1 Dhivya Ramakrishnan,1 Changsuek Yon,2 Manasa Suresh,2 Stephan Menne,2 Paul Cote,2 William E. Delaney IV,1 Simon P. Fletcher,1 Richard L. Mackman1
1Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, California, USA; 2Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA

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