icon-folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
  The International Liver Congress™
EASL 2017 - European Association for the
Study of the Liver
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2017
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Real-world utilization of the new fixed-dose combination elbasvir/grazoprevir in adult patients with chronic hepatitis C in Canada: Z-PROFILE study
  Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2017 April 19-23 Amsterdam Netherlands
Edward Tam1, Chris Fraser2, Julie Tremblay3, Brian Conway4, Benoit Trottier5, Alnoor Ramji6, Sergio Borgia7, Kris Stewart8, Janie B. Trepanier9, Youb Chalabi9 1LAIR Centre, BC, Canada; 2The Cool Aid Community Health Centre, BC, Canada; 3Centre Sida Amitie, QC, Canada; 4Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre, BC, Canada; 5Clinique Medicale du Quartier Latin, QC, Canada; 6GI Research Institute (GIRI), Gastroenterology Division, BC, Canada; 7William Osler Health System, ON, Canada; 8Saskatchewan Infectious Disease Care Network, SK, Canada; 9Merck Canada Inc., QC, Canada.